Sunday, January 8, 2017

Snow Day Weekend

I just LOVE when it snows.  It is so magical and just brings to life the beauty of our farm.  I feel like a little kid when it snows and I just want to run and play it in all day long...or at least until I am frozen.

We got up early on Saturday morning and I looked out the window and it was still snowing  We suited up and headed up to the barn to start feeding everyone.  I had put the horses up so they would stay warm because for some reason they do not like to be up.  They have a huge barn to get into but they refuse to use it.  They will stand out in the rain and snow and never make their way to the barn.

Once we got everyone fed I turned the horses out to play in the snow.  They bolted like a rocket and took off bucking across the pasture.  They soon ventured back for some hay and I started snapping a few pictures.

We got the dogs jackets on before we headed out and they were waiting patiently on us before we headed out.

 We have added some new cows to the herd since the last time I have blogged.  One of my favorites is "Big Mamma" (she was named before we bought her) and she is a 3 year old Guernsey out of Virginia.  She is three months pregnant and we can not wait to welcome another little one to the farm.

"Buffy" is my next favorite one.  He is so cute and has the furriest ears ever.  He is so friendly and is a Brown Swiss cross.

One of the new horses on the farm is "Jed".  He came to us from Greenville, NC.  He is a 10 year old registered Quarter Horse.  When he first arrived his name was "Doug" but that wasn't going to work to well because my dad's name is Doug and that was just to weird.  

He is the coolest horse ever.  Everyone around here loves him because he is just as chill as the come.

Chris throwing hay out on Saturday morning.

After spending a few hours playing in the snow and feeding everyone we headed up to his mom and dad's house for a warm breakfast.  Chris was relaxing reading the local paper.

I got a little bored so I headed outside with my camera and threw on a few layers and tried to capture a few pictures.  Taking pictures of yourself is really hard but I had fun and got a few awkward shots.

On Sunday church was canceled so we hung out at the house just relaxing and having fun.  

Sunday afternoon I finally ventured out to enjoy an afternoon with some friends.  We grabbed a quick bite to eat at a local Mexican restaurant before heading back before the roads started freezing again.

Coming back home the sunset was beyond amazing so I had to snag a quick picture.

It was a perfect weekend being snowed in and enjoying time together.

If you would like to see all the pictures from our snow day please feel free to visit my photography page to view the images:

Also if you want to follow me on social media:

Snap Chat: @mardia1
Instagram: @lazelfarm
Facebook: Laze L Farm Photography

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