Wednesday, January 21, 2015

How to reach your goals

I'm really not crazy about new years resolutions because I think it is a ploy that gyms use to make more money off of people.  It is a season of believing that we are going to do something for 365 days and we might make it 20 days.

One thing I do believe in is setting goals for yourself.  Goals are more attainable and give you something to strive towards.  They give us a direction to work toward and motivation to do our best to get there.

1. Goals start with something that you are passionate about. They have to be something that you want to work towards or you will have no motivation to get there.

2. Set a goal that is reachable and something that you see as realistic.  You can also set long distance goals, but understand that they will take longer to get there.

3. Setting a shorter disatance goal will help you reach your long distance goal quicker.

4. If things get hard and you feel like you are not getting anywhere, take a step back and make sure you are on the right path.  Even if it means changing some of your goals, it is okay as long as you are working towards something.

5. Life gets busy, kids take over, and we find it hard to continue.  The goals will still be there, you just need to make sure the same motivation is there.  If your goals have changed, it's okay because we change.  When I was 21 my life long goal was to get married by 25 (it was 27), have kids by 27 (I'm 29) and be done having kids by 30 (I'll be 30 in six months and no kids).  One of our big goals for the past year was to get a house.  I never thought I would still be 30 and not have kids.  Life doesn't go as we plan it so changing goals is ok.

Just keep your goals reachable and something that motivates you.

Stay tuned this week for my 2015 year goals for our marriage and this blog!

Don't forget the giveaway on instagram for the Journaling Bible!!

Journaling Bible Giveaway


  1. Love this! Sometimes I need to set lower goals so I do not get discouraged!

    1. I know I see myself setting goals that are several years away and realize that I have to set smaller goals to get to the big one quicker.
